Saturday, April 2, 2011

So since my last post, life has been pretty sucky. Jacob broke up with me. I've realized who genuinly cares about me and who doesn't. I've had fights with friends. I've made up with friends. I've been let down. I've realized a whole lot of things.
I've realized people break promises. I've realized people will say that they'll always be there for you but in reality they wont. I've realized that people who you wouldn't expect to care about you, do care about you. I've realized that some people say one thing and do another, no matter what the outcome will be. I've realized that I have people around me who want me to be happy. I've realized I have people around me who only want themselves to be happy. I've realized I'm stronger than I thought. I've realized I don't need certain things to be happy. I've realized that I can overcome anything. I've realized that there are certain people I can always count on no matter what. I've realized that boys say things that will get them somewhere, but once they realize that I'm not worth it, they'll leave me. I've realized that I need to believe in myself. I've realized that I am only young and have my whole life ahead of me. I've realized I need to stop dwelling over things and just let life take it's course. I've realized that everything really does happen for a reason. I've realized that I can be happy. I've realized that I will be happy. I've realized that I have a lot to live for. I've realized that I have more than a lot of people could dream of having. I've realized that despite all the shit in my life, I am lucky. I've realized that I need to start living. And I will.

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