Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I remember once, not too long ago, a friend of mine asked me if I could go somewhere with him. When I said no he asked why, and my response was that I have agoraphobia and social anxiety and that he already knew that. 
His response..? "Oh, I thought you were only saying that to be cute and quirky."
Hearing people say things like this absolutely sucks. I would do anything not to be this way. I hate it and I hate myself for being like it. It's not "cute" or "quirky" to have a mental disorder. It's not fun. It's not exciting. It's not interesting. It is, however, frustrating and debilitating and upsetting and hard and annoying and emotional. I wouldn't wish being like this upon my worst enemy. I have been infirm for a fair amount of my life. I have missed out on some of the most important events a young woman gets to experience. I am sick of the stigmas and the assumptions and the false presumptions people make about people who do not have the best mental health. Some people look down upon it when it is absolutely not the person's fault for having it. It's a chemical imbalance in the brain. I am also sick of people saying that they have a mental problem just because sometimes they feel a little bit nervous or sad. You have no idea how horrible it is until you go through it. Even if you know someone who has gone through it…you still honestly have no fucking clue how it feels. The pain we have to endure all day every day. How hard it is to do "normal" daily activities.
I'm sick of it all.

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